In addition to the French and English versions of my article on the gaslighting of Eastern Europe, there are now new translations in Spanish, Esperanto, Farsi, Bulgarian and one forthcoming in Dutch. I love publishing with Le Monde Diplomatique because of its international reach. This is also my first article in Esperanto (that I know of).
The Other Great Depression →
My article for Le Monde Diplomatique now online in English
New article in Le Monde Diplomatique →
Here, so far only in French, is my latest article in Le Monde Diplomatique. In kiosks today and on page 3!
My new article in the Manuel of Intellectual Self-Defense →
“Après 1989, l’autre grande dépression,” [After 1989, the other great depression], Manuel d’autodéfense intellectuelle — Histoire, Le Monde Diplomatique, September 12, 2024
Nice to see my Le Monde Diplo article translated into Kurdish →
Le Monde Diplomatique article in Portuguese, Hungarian, and Farci, too!
I just heard from my French editor that my article on global socialist women’s movements appeared in several other languages as part of local editions of Le Monde Diplomatique. So far, I have the full text of the Spanish, Portuguese, German, Farci, and Italian translations, and I am hoping to get link to the Hungarian version soon.
It’s so nice to know that the article has found its way out into the world.
And in Italian, too!
New podcast with George Miller of Le Monde Diplomatique English →
And now in German, too...
Abuelas Rojas in Español! →
The great thing about Le Monde Diplomatique is that it appears in so many languages. Now, in addition to the French and English version of the article, there is a new Spanish version:
Las ‘abuelas rojas’ del movimiento internacional de las mujeres
And in English!
On the front page!
The French version of my article is live and featured on the online front page of the July edition of Le Monde Diplomatique. It’s a DREAM come true! The direct link is here.
Proofs of my forthcoming article in Le Monde Diplomatique
These are the French proofs of my article forthcoming in the July edition of Le Monde Diplomatique in both French and English. I am so excited that it will be featured as the middle two-page spread in both editions.
Lovely little review in Le Monde Diplomatique →
The French continue to be quite generous in their reviews, and I am so glad that the book is finding an audience in France. Here’s one from the prestigious Le Monde Diplomatique.