In addition to the French and English versions of my article on the gaslighting of Eastern Europe, there are now new translations in Spanish, Esperanto, Farsi, Bulgarian and one forthcoming in Dutch. I love publishing with Le Monde Diplomatique because of its international reach. This is also my first article in Esperanto (that I know of).
Red Valkyries in Slovak!
A new translation of Red Valkyries!
Pub Date in Belgium! →
Media coverage in the Italian press.
Cover design of the forthcoming Japanese translation
The Japanese translation of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence is coming out in May, and they have changed the title to “Maybe it's capitalism that's keeping you from enjoying sex.” This image is the lonely woman under capitalism surrounded by her purchases and is an interesting twist of the themes of the book.
What has socialism ever done for women is now in Spanish! →
So thrilled to see a Spanish translation of this 2018 article that I wrote with my former student, Julia Mead.
An Albanian translation!
So excited to learn that Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism will now have an Albanian translation. That’s the 15th foreign edition, and the 14th translation!
The Portuguese cover is here! →
And the Portuguese translation is coming in a few weeks, just in time for summer.
And the Indonesian translation has launched! →
And the Thai translation is out! →
"Вторият свят, вторият пол" от Кристен Годси на български →
A discussion of the Bulgarian translation of Second World, Second Sex on Bulgarian National Television from today. The clip is in Bulgarian.
Slovak books
Today, I also received 8 copies of the Slovak translation of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence, seen here with my autographed photo of the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova. I didn’t realize that this cover had a hole in it and inside was an image of a stamp in honor of Tereshkova.
Coming soon in French →
The French translation of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence (POURQUOI LES FEMMES ONT UNE MEILLEURE VIE SEXUELLE SOUS LE SOCIALISME: Plaidoyer pour l’indépendance économique) is coming in October from Lux Éditeur. I wrote a special new preface for this book, reflecting on the pandemic and its impacts on women.
The Russian cover and excerpt of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Sociailsm →
I’m happy to announce the impending publication of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence in Russian by Alpina Non-fiction. Below is the cover and you can find an excerpt here.
Mock up of the future French cover
Forthcoming in October with
The Slovak cover
So glad to see Valentina Tereshkova’s face floating like a moon in a sky of pink, but it is funny (and not surprising) that the Slovaks cut off the part of her helmet that read “CCCP.”
The physical copies of the Dutch book have landed.
Seen here with some decorative motherf*@%ing gourds.