Sex and Socialism 101 on TikTok →
My summer research student, Abby Laform, has been researching cool socialist, communist, and revolutionary women and posting about them TikTok, trying to bring some of these life stories to a Zoomer audience. You can check it out here.
Proofs of my forthcoming article in Le Monde Diplomatique
These are the French proofs of my article forthcoming in the July edition of Le Monde Diplomatique in both French and English. I am so excited that it will be featured as the middle two-page spread in both editions.
Slovak books
Today, I also received 8 copies of the Slovak translation of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence, seen here with my autographed photo of the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova. I didn’t realize that this cover had a hole in it and inside was an image of a stamp in honor of Tereshkova.
The paperbacks have arrived!
On sale March 3rd, just in time for Women’s History Month and IWD!
По-добър ли е бил сексът при социализма? →
Dos Entrevistas en Español
Excerpt in El País →
So I actually didn’t know this was going to happen, but it seems that Capitan Swing, my Spanish publisher, arranged to have an excerpt of the Spanish book published under my name in Spain’s second largest newspaper. It’s pretty weird to see my name on something that I had no idea about, but I suppose this is standard book promotion stuff. At least I like the photo they chose to accompany the excerpt.
Interview in El Diario (en Español) →
Thanks so much to Mónica Zas for her great interview questions.
The Spanish Cover of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism
Coming in November from Captain Swing Libros in Spain: Por qué las mujeres disfrutan más del sexo bajo el socialismo. Y otros argumentos a favor de la independencia económica'
GQ Russia
I had no idea the Russians had translated my interview with Sophia Benoit for their national version of GQ Magazine. A friend just sent me the link.
The British paperback has been launched! →
So happy that Vintage paperbacks did such a wonderful job with the paperback version of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence.
The Cover of the German Version →
Here is the cover of the German version of my book, Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence. I am sad that they didn’t include the subtitle, but it does make the cover look much cleaner and less cluttered. It’s out on October 27, 2019!
Interview in GQ! →
Finished reading "Make Way for Winged Eros"
For those of you interested in the works of Alexandra Kollontai and her views on sexuality, I finally finished reading the final part of her 1923 essay, "Make Way for Winged Eros: A Letter to Working Youth" for my A.K. 47 podcast. I’ll be discussing it in depth during my next episode, but make sure you listen to the whole essay before you listen to the discussion.
Spotted in Tate Modern's Bookshop!
One of my colleagues in the UK snapped this photo in the bookshop of Tate Modern. So happy to be so close to the words of Naomi Klein.
Жената Днес!
Just received a hard copy of the March/April issue of the Bulgarian women’s magazine, Zhenata Dnes. They included a translation of a review of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism and mentioned it on the cover!
Featured in the Green Left Weekly →
I’m delighted that the Australian Green Left Weekly reprinted this great review by Jane Miller in In These Times.
Rosie Boycott reviews my book for the Financial Times weekend edition →
I am so thrilled and honored that Baroness Rosie Boycott took the time to write such a thoughtful review essay of my book and Virginia Nicholson’s for the weekend edition of the Financial Times. It is wonderful when someone really understands your work within a wider context.
A Review from Croatia
I found this lovely review from