So grateful to a colleague for forwarding me these images.
Spotted on a table at Barnes & Noble on Fifth Avenue in New York City
God, I love that orange cover!
Little Atoms podcast on Everyday Utopia →
I was absolutely delighted to be a repeat guest on Neil Denny’s excellent podcast, Little Atoms, to discuss Everyday Utopia. Neil always asks the smartest questions!
2023 Reading Challenge: Ann Patchett's What Now?
Okay so this is technically cheating because this is a short essay rather than an actual book. But Patchett and her publisher cheated by publishing this as a book in the first place. It’s a graduation day speech, and it’s not a bad one, but it should not really be a book. I guess it is something to buy for your college grad when you can’t think of anything else.
Summer reading recommendations on Lit Hub →
Just on the Horizon: Nine Utopian Books to Deprogram Our Brains
Kristen R. Ghodsee Recommends Thomas More, Aldus Huxley, and More
Birth announcement
2023 Reading Challenge: The Patriarchs
Such a great read from the amazing science journalist Angela Saini. I devoured this one in almost one sitting. An essential guide to understanding the origins and persistence of patriarchal power in the world today.
Spotted on the Staff Picks wall at McNally Jackson in Rockefeller Center
So happy to still be on the nonfiction staff picks wall!
3 days only (April 26-28)! Preorder Everyday Utopia with 25% off in North America
3 days only (April 26-28)! Preorder Everyday Utopia with 25% off in North America on Barnes & Noble
The cover of the Dutch translation of Everyday Utopia →
2023 Reading Challenge: The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin
I have dipped in and out of this book for decades, but I finally sat down and read it cover-to-cover. There’s so much to process in this book, and so much that is still very relevant to the present day.
“A revolution is more than the destruction of a political system. It implies the awakening of human intelligence, the increasing of the inventive spirit tenfold, a hundredfold... It is a revolution in the minds of men, more than in their institutions”
2023 Reading Challenge: Wide Sargasso Sea
I had to read this for one of my book clubs, but it was a real disappointment. It provides a back story to Jane Eyre, and boasts a weird and sometimes confusing shift in perspective that has a sort of Rashomon effect. I hated the stereotypes and essentializing, and even the prose, though sometimes beautiful, felt self-indulgent. Not a fan.
A short interview in Publishers Weekly for Everyday Utopia →
This was such a fun conversation to have. Tara Saunders asked such thoughtful questions.
2023 Reading Challenge: Klara and the Sun
Such a beautifully-written and thoughtful book.
The full jacket proof
Still a few corrections to be made, but this is what it will look like. I’m so excited for this design and for the sun on the spine.
Draft image of the UK cover
It’s always so fun to see what the designers come up with for my new books. This is a mock up of the cover for the UK version of Everyday Utopia, which is being published this spring by Bodley Head.
Everyday Utopia!
Audio book of Red Valkyries is now available →
It’s available on Audible, Spotify, and wherever you get your audiobooks. I am extremely grateful to Tantor Media and to Esther Wane for their amazing work on the project.