Excerpt in El País

So I actually didn’t know this was going to happen, but it seems that Capitan Swing, my Spanish publisher, arranged to have an excerpt of the Spanish book published under my name in Spain’s second largest newspaper. It’s pretty weird to see my name on something that I had no idea about, but I suppose this is standard book promotion stuff. At least I like the photo they chose to accompany the excerpt.

El Pais excerpt.jpg

The Spanish media coverage begins

The Spanish version of the book is about to be released on October 7, and El Español just did a substantive review of Por qué las mujeres disfrutan más del sexo bajo el socialismo: Y otros argumentos a favor de la independencia económica from Capitán Swing.

Summer Reading: Fully Automated Luxury Communism by Aaron Bastani

Fully Automated Luxury Communism: A Manifesto – Aaron Bastani

I just loved this book.  Well written and exciting, with lots of thought-provoking arguments.  For all fans of Andrew Yang, Bastani’s text is a must read.

Despite the claim that Marx favoured violent revolution, the truth is he never believed that transition beyond capitalism would be an exclusively political process – something so simple to achieve as to merely require replacing one group of rulers with another. It certainly entailed class struggle and the working class gaining political power, but it also needed new ideas, technologies, and social relations.
— page 55
Liberal ends, specifically the individual being uniquely placed to determine their path in life, are impossible without communist means. The possibility of most people finding happiness and meaning is impossible as these things are commodities – subject to profit rather than need.
— page 194

Little Atoms Podcast with the Brilliant Neil Denny

I was so please to have had the opportunity to speak with Neil Denny on the Little Atoms podcast. He asked such thoughtful and insightful questions, and i love the fact that he allows long-winded academics like me to waffle on when necessary. I really do need to learn how to speak in sound byte one of these days…