A very thoughtful article on a real problem in our society.
Happy International Women's Day!
Have you wished your mother a Happy International Women's Day yet? →
The East German Birth Strike
I found this interesting article about the “womb strike” of the early 1990s in Eastern Germany.
Arwa Mahdawi's This Week in Patriarchy
Huge thanks to The Guardian’s Arwa Mahdawi for including a link to my Vox.com interview as a suggested weekend read in her “This Week in Patriarchy” roundup.
Meagan Day asked great questions for this Jacobin interview
It’s always a pleasure to talk to such smart and thoughtful journalists. I enjoyed this interview very much.
A lovely blurb from Yanis Varoufakis
I am thrilled that Yanis Varoufakis agreed to read and blurb my forthcoming book. I am a huge fan of his work and his activism in Diem25; it is a real honor to have him endorse Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence.
“Reliant on the commodification of everything, capitalism’s triumph is a calamity for most women. Their hard slog as mothers and carers can never be remunerated within market societies which, by design, are compelled to commodify their sexuality, robbing them in the process of their autonomy, even of the opportunity to enjoy sex for-themselves. Without romanticizing formerly communist regimes, Ghodsee’s new book retrieves brilliantly the plight of hundreds of millions of women in those countries as they were being stripped of state support and thrust into brutal, unfettered markets. Employing personal anecdotes, forays into the history of the women’s movement and an incisive mind, Ghodsee is enabling us to overcome the unnecessary tension between identity and class politics on the road towards the inclusive, progressive movement for societal change we so desperately need.”
New Book Cover
Just received the design for my next academic book, Second World, Second Sex: Socialist Women's Activism and Global Solidarity during the Cold War, coming out with Duke University Press in February 2019. I specifically asked that it not be red, and I love what they did with the cover.
Advanced galleys are here!
These arrived in the post yesterday. These are the bound galleys that will go out for long-lead media and potential blurbers. After months of slaving away on this, it's so satisfying to see my words manifest in print.
New website
Welcome to my new website and blog.
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