So grateful to a colleague for forwarding me these images.
Spotted on a table at Barnes & Noble on Fifth Avenue in New York City
God, I love that orange cover!
In conversation with Arwa Mahdawi at the Philadelphia Free Library →
2023 Reading Challenge: Laudato Si'
So, wow, I just love it that the Pope weighed in on climate change, and I can understand now why so many American bishops hate his guts. The latter chapters in this Encyclical Letter are a scathing critique of capitalism and consumerism. Some of this stuff was so on point. I will never agree with the Catholic Church on everything, but I think this little letter is a masterpiece. Getting conservative Catholics to recognized that the climate crisis is real and human caused is no small feat. I only regret that I had not read it sooner.
Little Atoms podcast on Everyday Utopia →
I was absolutely delighted to be a repeat guest on Neil Denny’s excellent podcast, Little Atoms, to discuss Everyday Utopia. Neil always asks the smartest questions!
Podcast from my event at the Philadelphia Free Library →
This was such a great conversation with the brilliant Arwa Mahdawi! I was very nervous at first, but then her thoughtful questions really put me at ease.
2023 Reading Challenge: Ann Patchett's What Now?
Okay so this is technically cheating because this is a short essay rather than an actual book. But Patchett and her publisher cheated by publishing this as a book in the first place. It’s a graduation day speech, and it’s not a bad one, but it should not really be a book. I guess it is something to buy for your college grad when you can’t think of anything else.
2023 Reading Challenge: Arwa Mahdawi's Strong Female Lead
A thoughtful look on how feminine characteristics (or those characteristics that girls are socialized into cultivating more than boys) makes for effective leadership.
Summer reading recommendations on Lit Hub →
Just on the Horizon: Nine Utopian Books to Deprogram Our Brains
Kristen R. Ghodsee Recommends Thomas More, Aldus Huxley, and More
New podcast on Revolutionary Left Radio →
Another wonderful conversation with Brett O’Shea
Birth announcement
An excerpt of Everyday Utopia in Penn Today →
One of PW's Books of the Week! →
My first book event for Everyday Utopia at NYU
So thrilled to have had my very first book event for the Women and Gender History Luncheon at NYU.
Shooting all morning in Washington DC for a UK Channel 4 documentary film
Once again, I get to be one of those talking heads you see in documentary films about history; this time about Soviet women in combat in World War II
Happy Star Wars Day!
2023 Reading Challenge: On Hope by Pope Francis
“Hope is the ability to go beyond human reasoning, wisdom, and prudence of the world, beyond what is normally considered common sense, to believe in the impossible. Hope opens new horizons, making us capable of dreaming what is not even imaginable. This hope invites us to enter the darkness of an uncertain future and to walk through and into the light. It is beautiful, the virtue of hope; it gives us great strength to walk in life.”
2023 Reading Challenge: The Patriarchs
Such a great read from the amazing science journalist Angela Saini. I devoured this one in almost one sitting. An essential guide to understanding the origins and persistence of patriarchal power in the world today.
Spotted on the Staff Picks wall at McNally Jackson in Rockefeller Center
So happy to still be on the nonfiction staff picks wall!
2023 Reading Challenge: Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
A wonderful salvo by the incomparable David Graeber! This was the last book I taught for my anarchism class, and I wish we had had at least three class periods for discussion.