Ocean City, Maryland: Winter Festival of Lights

So I had to evacuate my house because my ex-husband flew in from Bulgaria to spend a few weeks with our daughter before she heads off to college. Since she really wanted to stay home so she could pack and get organized, I decamped to a little condo in Ocean City so that they could quarantine for 2 weeks. There isn’t much to do here because of the pandemic, but there are still a few outdoor events. The winter festival of lights is a yearly thing here in Ocean City, and it felt so American. Everyone was wearing masks (except the dogs!).

27th Annual Atlantic General Hospital Penguin Swim in Ocean City, Maryland, January 1, 2021

I decided I really wanted to get rid of 2020, so I ran into the Atlantic Ocean on January 1st so a socially-distanced 2021 Penguin Swim to benefit the Atlantic General Hospital. That water was mighty cold…

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That’s me with my arms up about to dunk under the surface of the water.

That’s me with my arms up about to dunk under the surface of the water.