Sheesh, this is exactly how I feel right now
As of July 1, I became the new chair of Russian and East European Studies at Penn, but the workload and responsibility of this position has only really kicked into gear in the last week. That facial expression says it all!
Basset humor
Good dog humor
Sometimes I wonder if Daisy feels this way about me…
Well I know what I am doing tonight...
In defense of brunch... →
I love this article from Jacobin. Why not love free time?
Daisy exhausted from a long night of doomscrolling...
After following the news of the insurrection and its aftermath for almost 24 hours, Daisy finally conked out.
The great conjunction of 2020
Grammar Humor
Grammar humor
Okay. I am a dork. I find this very funny.
Daisy gets new pajamas
Well, our girl is getting rather geriatric and now that the cold weather is here, she is shivering a lot more in the evenings. We don’t actually know how old she is because we rescued her with no papers. When we got her in September 2011, the vet thought she might be around 3 years old, which would make her a little over 12 years now (which is old for a Bassett hound). So yesterday I ventured forth and bought the dog pajamas. She looks ridiculous, but at least they are keeping her warm.
Coronavirus Humor
I don’t know why, but I find this very funny.
TikTok shout out →
So I do not have this app nor really understand how it is different from Vine, but I scored some major points with my teenage daughter for getting name checked in this TikTok. So thank you Sally for this very important public service announcement!.
Funny Comic
A comment on remote teaching
Special candle for writer's block
I love sarcastic gifts for writers. And I wonder what “regurgitated ideas” might smell like.