Young Bulgarians on a summer brigade in the early 1950s
Maliha Safri, Ryan Watt & Edited by Kenan Erçel, “Toward a Joyful, Generous, and Fluid Left: An Interview with Kristen R. Ghodsee,” Rethinking Marxism, 36:2, 275-290
Nick Fuller Googins, “History Gives Kristen R. Ghodsee Hope for the Future,” The Millions, July 6, 2024
Marc Masmiquel Mendiara, “'Utopías cotidianas', de Kristen Ghodsee: lucha por el futuro de tus hijos, por todos los medios necesarios,” El Periódico de España, April 6, 2024
Jose María Robles, El renacer de la utopía en tiempos distópicos: "Es un antídoto contra la resignación y la impotencia," El Mundo, March 4, 2024
JOSÉ LUIS FDEZ. CASADEVANTE 'KOIS,' Kristen R. Ghodsee: «Las ecoaldeas están pensando hoy cómo será la vida después del capitalismo»,, March 4, 2023
Nathan Robinson, “Why We Need Utopias,” Current Affairs, October 4, 2023
Kati Krause, "Diese Familien leben an einem utopischen Ort," Die Zeit Magazin, September 15, 2015
Norah Rami, “Bad Sex? Blame Capitalism: Kristen Ghodsee is revolutionizing our understanding of sex and love.” 34th Street, January 24, 2023
Juliana Kaplan, “Is it time to start paying stay-at-home parents?” Business Insider, January 21, 2023
Duyên Nguyen, “Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Times,” OMNIA, November 22, 2022
“Frustrated With #GirlBoss Feminism? Look to Eastern European History,” In These Times, July 13, 2022
“Kristen Ghodsee Says More…” Project Syndicate, March 15, 2022
Justinas Šuliokas,“Post-socialist transition was good for some people and really bad for many others – interview with Kristen Ghodsee,” Lithuanian Radio and Television, March 13, 2022 [Also in Lithuanian]
Наталья Ломыкина, Антрополог Кристен Годси о том, как капитализм стал главным врагом рождаемости,, December 16, 2021
Daniel Finn, “The Lost World of Bulgarian Communism: An Interview with Kristen Ghodsee,” Jacobin Magazine, December 13, 2021
«Pourquoi Les Femmes Ont Davantage D’orgasmes En Régime Socialiste»: Interview De Kristen Ghodsee,, December 5, 2021
Begoña Gómez Urzaiz, “La escritora que cree que el capitalismo es el peor enemigo del orgasmo femenino,” El País Semanal, November 30, 2021
Rebecca Amsellem, « Les femmes sont vues comme des utérus ambulants », une conversation sur l’égalité salariale, Alexandra Kollontaï et l’amour avec Kristen Ghodsee, Le Glorieuses, October 20, 2021
Judit Betran, “Kristen R. Ghodsee: "A las aplicaciones de citas no les interesa que tengas buen sexo" El Periódico, October 11, 2021
Guiseppe Pavino, “"El socialisme d’estat va ser terrible en algunes coses, però beneficiós en d’altres,” La Directa, October 7, 2021
Emma Pons Valls, “Als països socialistes les relacions personals eren millors: era una manera de viure diferent", October 4, 2021
Sílvia Marimon Molas, “Kristen Ghodsee: "Las parejas que comparten la crianza de los hijos tienen mejores relaciones sexuales"“ Ara, October 2, 2021
Xavi Ayén, ¿Tienen las mujeres mejor sexo bajo el socialismo?, La Vanguardia, September 30, 2021
Sandra Vicente, Kristen Ghodsee: “El capitalismo no respeta a las madres, pero nos necesita, ¿quién va a comprar iPhone si dejamos de tener bebés?” El Salto, September 30, 2021
Gislle Nath, “Interview: Kristen Ghodsee, ‘Vrouwen die seks niet moeten ruilen voor economische zekerheid zijn gelukkiger in bed’” De Standaard, September 18, 2021
Megan Day, French Translation of earlier interview: “Pourquoi les femmes ont une meilleure vie sexuelle sous le socialisme. Entretien avec Kristen Ghodsee”, June 28, 2021
Братерский Александр, “Профессор Кристен Годси: "Феминизм сегодня стал ругательным словом", 8 March 2021
Julia Vladimirova, “Американската етнографка Кристен Годси: За социализма, женските движения и секса,”, January 4, 2021
Joëlle Smets, “Quand sexe rime avec socialisme!” Le Soir, November 20, 2020
Maria Wiesner, „Guter Sex ist die ultimative Kritik am Konsum“ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 2, 2020
Polina Aronson, Кристен Годси: «Америка единолично переписала историю феминизма: это был классический империализм», September 30, 2020
Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht, “What Democratic Socialists Should Think About Anti-Communism: An Interview with Kristen Ghodsee and Scott Sehon, Jacobin Magazine, September 27, 2020
Iva Rudnikova, “Какво е "истински" българ/ин/ка” Kapital, 10 July 2020
Roberto Sirvemt, BAR Book Forum: Kristen R. Ghodsee’s “Second World, Second Sex,” Black Agenda Report, June 17, 2020
Alexandra Jones, “Left unchecked, capitalism will ruin human relationships forever,” The Face, March 17, 2020
Cornelia Meyer, “ “Der späte Erfolg des Sozialismus: Warum in Osteuropa mehr Frauen in Tech-Berufen arbeiten,” Business Insider Germany, March 8, 2020
Kristen de Groot, “The history behind International Women’s Day,” Penn Today, March 6, 2020
Juli Katz, „Care-Arbeit sollte staatlich organisiert werden“ TAZ, March 2, 2020
Celia Parbey, “Kristen R. Ghodsee: „Der Kapitalismus macht Frauen abhängig und betrachtet sie als eine Art Ware“ Edition F, February 3, 2020
Eefje Goossen, “Pourquoi les femmes ont-elles de meilleures relations sexuelles sous le socialisme?”, January 24, 2020
Sonja Eismann, “Ist der Kommunismus so böse?” konkret, heft 12/2019
Angela Waters, “Why East Germany was for Lovers.” Sleek Magazine, November 9, 2019
Mathieu Magnaudeix, “Le sexe socialiste, et si c’était mieux?”, November 9, 2019
Konstantin Nowotny, „Sex ist Konsum“ der Freitag, October 31, 2019
Fátima Elidrissi, Kristen Ghodsee: “El capitalism afecta nuestras vidas e incluso a nuestras experiencias sexuales,” The Objective, October 21, 2019
Sara Pérez, Kristen Ghodsee: “Las relaciones heterosexuales siempre serán más equitativas en las sociedades que apoyen la independencia económica de ellas” La Línea de Fuego, October 17, 2019
Nuria Alabao, “Cuando los hombres contribuyen de manera más justa al trabajo doméstico las parejas tienen más sexo” Revista Contexto, October 9, 2019
Mónica Zas, “Por qué el capitalismo se cargó el orgasmo femenino,” El Diario, October 3, 2019
Tony Pecinovsky, “‘Intersectional before it was cool’: The women’s movement under state socialism.” People’s World, October 3, 2019
Sophia Benoit, “How Socialism Improves Sex Lives,” GQ Magazine, May 15, 2019 [In Russian: Как Социализм Может Повлиять На Секс В Современном Мире][In Hungarian]
Aaron Freedman, “Can Markets Corrode Relationships?”, March 25, 2019
Angela Waters, “Why the Marxist History of International Women’s Day Matters,” Sleek Magazine, March 8, 2019
Maria Bucur, “Socialism and the Future of Gender Justice, Part 2,”, February 15, 2019
Maria Bucur, “Socialism and the Future of Gender Justice, Part 1,”, February 14, 2019
Claire Ochroch, “Meet the Penn prof. who wrote 'Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism' The Daily Pennsylvanian, February 6, 2019
Gwyneth Shaw, “The Scholar behind Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism.” Penn, January 18, 2019
Illana Novick, “Want Better Sex? Consider Moving to a Socialist Country?”, December 21, 2018
Sean Illing, "Why women have better sex under socialism, according to an anthropologist,", December 12, 2018
Rita Abundancia, ¿Está el capitalismo arruinando nuestra vida sexual?, El Pais, December 12, 2018
Megan Day, “No Scrubs.” Jacobin Magazine, November 29, 2018
Dahlia Balcazar, “Red Handed,” Bitch Media, November 21, 2018
Amanda Arnold, “Capitalism in Ruining Your Sex Life,” The Cut, November 15, 2018
"NY to Seattle: Why is Support Growing for American Socialism?", July 4, 2018
"A Conversation with Kristen Ghodsee, Anthropology News, April 23, 2018
"Seeing shades of grey in the red," OMNIA, January 25, 2018
"Sex war im Sozialismus besser," General-Anzeiger, 2 Oktober 2017
Mathew Reisz, "Books Interview: Kristen Ghodsee," Times Higher Education, October 12, 2017
Judith Langowski, "The history of communist feminism. An interview with Kristen Ghodsee", October 4, 2017
Judith Langowski, “Osteuropäische Feministen: „Heftige, rechte Gegenreaktionen”” 21.08.2017
"Wofür kämpfen wir heute noch?" uniCross, July 14, 2015
"Kristen Ghodsee" Vagabond Magazine, No. 87/88, 2013-2014: pages 20-23 (pdf)
Една американка с болка за България, Sega, 16 February 2002